The first two operational satellites within the Galileo constellation, launched on 21 October last year, passed further testing with flying colours, at Telespazio’s Space Center in Fucino finishing individuals transported in Belgium inside the European Space Agency (ESA) Center.
Galileo may be the sitting nav system that will users to uncover their exact position wide and time, much like Gps navigation navigation navigation, in a much more precise and reliable manner. The tests transported out known as for the reception then validation within the functioning of encrypted signals which can make easy to use to provide Galileo PRS services (Public Controlled Services) to gov departments, security organizations and Civil Protection agencies.
An worldwide network of ground stations, from New Caledonia for that Antarctic, continuously control the reality within the Galileo signals. The present In Orbit Validation (IOV) phase within the Galileo program, that’s transported by helping cover their the launch within the next two satellites in September, continues through getting an extensive testing campaign to validate system performance and test future navigation and localization services.
The launch within the next satellites will most likely be adopted using the operational phase, that can lead to in conclusion within the system, the Control Center in Fucino will manage the Galileo mission operations in compliance while using onboard generation and transmission within the navigation message, the following way of getting navigation services to accomplish-users, the monitoring and services information quality as well as the treating in the land-based segment within the system.
The operations in Fucino are coordinated by Spaceopal, some pot-venture between Telespazio (Finmeccanica Group/Thales) and DLR-GfR, the German Space Agency.
Spaceopal is the reason the dwelling and control over the area centres for the Galileo mission control. Particularly in Fucino, in Abruzzo, there’s the Galileo Control Center (GCC) dedicated to the treating in the mission and Galileo signal. Plus Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, near Munich, Spaceopal has created the GCC which will control the satellite constellation. However, both Centres can realize your desire, in their final configuration, to cope with both constellation control and mission operations.
The Center in Fucino might be known as house of Galileo. It covers greater than 5000 m² when fully operational may have greater than 100 technicians and specialized operators. It’ll manage the transmission within the navigation signal for that 30 Galileo satellites furthermore to guaranteeing the standard of the service given to finish-users. However control room, you are able to handle the orbit of all of the constellation satellites and operate a network of roughly 40 ground stations.
The Center will manage the generation, transmission and distribution within the navigation signal, guaranteeing its integrity, quality and precision. In situation of system malfunction, the final outcome-user can get information inside dependent on seconds. Additionally, out of this level, the clocks aboard the satellites will most likely be constantly updated in compliance while using the length of the whole Galileo system.
Beginning in 2014, Galileo should start providing the initial three kinds of service inside an initial level: a clear and free service, searching and save service, along with a public controlled service. Testing for the human safety service and commercial service will, rather, result from 2014. They’ll be provided when Galileo reaches full operating capacity.